

Flag of the Republic of Albania



Team Belarus is the winner of the european highspeed telegraphy championships 2021 in Elbasan, Albania. Team Romania made a fantastic silver place, whilest team Albania was on the podium for the first time. Team Romania is the Balkan HST team champion 2021. Team Albania with excellent results was on the silver position and the Bulgarian crew won the bronce medal.

Congratulations to all winners and participants!



  • Albanian National Team at European & Balkan HST 2021
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 01
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 02
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 03
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 04
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 05
  • The youngsters of team Albania
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 07
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 08
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 09
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 10
  • EU HST 2021 Medals 11
  • Team Albania, 3rd place at european HST championships 2021
  • Team Albania @EUHST 2021 in Elbasan
  • Team Belarus is the european team champion 2021 and gets the trophy by Oliver Tabakovski Z32TO

13. Europe´s HST cup Elbasan, Albania


8. Balkan HST championships Elbasan, Albania



13. Europe´s HST cup and 8. Balkan HST championships in Elbasan, Republic of Albania, 09. - 13. June 2021

The 13th Europe´s HST cup and 8th Balkan HST championships take part from 9. to 13. June 2021 in the city of Elbasan. It is be the first ever HST competition in Albania, organized by the HST team Albania with support from the experienced IARU HST chairman Oliver Tabakovski Z32TO.

13. Кубок Европы по CPT и 8. Чемпионат Балкан по CPT в Албания, 09. - 13.06.2021
13-й чемпионат Европы по HST и 8-й чемпионат по HST на Балканах пройдут с 9 по 13 июня 2021 года в городе Эльбасан.
Это будут первые соревнования HST в Албании, организованные командой HST Albania при поддержке опытного первого председателя IARU Оливера Табаковски Z32TO.
См. Первое информационное письмо ниже.

13. HST Europa HST-Pokal und 8. Balkan-HST-Meisterschaften in Albanien, 09. - 13.06.2021

Der 13. HST Europapokal und die 8. HST-Meisterschaften auf dem Balkan finden vom 9. bis 13. Juni 2021 in Elbasan statt. Es ist der erste HST Wettbewerb in Albanien. Er wird durch das HST Team Albanien mit Unterstützung des HST chairmans der IARU-Region 1, Oliver Tabakovski Z32TO durchgeführt. Unten findet man das Bulletin Nr. 1 des bevorstehenden Wettbewerbs, sowie hilfreiche links.


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elbasan_from_South.jpg Albinfo, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

HST event center in Elbasan:


Albanian travel office:


Important informations for foreign visitors:


COVID-19, informations by the Albanian Goverment: Update from 31.05.2021 in english about the situation in Albania.   


Update from 02.06.2021 in albanian language for all countries. Watch for your country, it is easy to translate with Google translator:

