HST News - CPT новости - HST Neuigkeiten
BBC Podcast about HST
The BBC has produced a podcast about the 2024 HST World championship in Tunesia. It's a great memory of the first World championships on the African continent. On the cover of the podcast you can see Ashraf Chaabane (3V8SS) and Ianis Scutaru (YO8YNS) who set an extraordinary world record in the RUFZXP category. Thank-you very much for the great advertising for this sport. You can find it via this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0k8y9kq
German CW Meeting 2025 t
The next German CW weekend, in Germany called "CW Wochenende" organized by AGCW-DL and HSC will take place from April 4. to 6. 2025. The venue is the Jagdhof Klein-Heilig-Kreuz in Grossenlüder, a village in about 115 km of distance from Frankfurt am Main. If there will be a CW competiton like the "Deutscher Telegraphy Pokal" is not confirmed until now.
Watch for news here: https://www.agcw.de/das-neue-hotel-fuer-das-cw-wochenende-2025/87946/
The venue: https://kleinheiligkreuz.jimdofree.com/--24/
YO8DOH and YO8TTT on Romanian TV !
Stefan Mancas (YO8DOH) and Alexandru (YO8TTT) have successfully participated in the HST World Championships in Tunesia. This was worth a report by the local TV station TV Plus Suceava. Many congratulations father and son!
SO5CW on the air !
SO5CW is the polish callsign of Fabian DJ5CW. He was the World champion of categorie RUFZXP at his home World championship in Bielefeld, Germany 2011. He is also winner of many titles and medals at radio telegraphy competitions and well known under his old callsign DJ1YFK. Look for him on the bands!
Surprise team of HST 2024 - Team Austria
OE1OMA, OE3RLV, OE3SPR, OE3SQU, OE3TBU, OE3VBU and OE8DDX achieved a great fifth place for team Austria at this years HST World championship in Tunesia. Congratulations to the team and Gudrun OE1OMA who put the team together.
20. IARU HST World Championships 2024
The first HST World Championships in Tunesia was a complete success and overall a milestone in Highspeed Telegraphy history.
Thanks to the organizing committee Achraf Chaabane (3V9A), Montassar Kammakh (3V8SA), Oliver Tabakovski (Z32TO), the international jury and all helpers around this big event.
DL4MM published the results of HST 2024 on his website (tnx Mathias!) https://www.rufzxp.net/hst/hst_2024_index_en.html
Congratulations to the winner team of the HST World Championship:
New RUFZXP World Record !
At the first day of the 20. IARU HST World Championships in Tunesia, Ianis Scutaru YO8YNS beat his own RUFZXP World record from 2023. The New World record is now on 311`192 points with a speed of 1126 letters per Minute (Paris speed). 1126 lpm that´s 18,77 letters per second!!!
Congratulations Ianis!
Photo by Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens, Tnx 3V9A
HST 2024 in Tunesia is running !!!
The latest results are on the website of Mathias DL4MM (tnx!) https://www.rufzxp.net/hst/hst_2024_index_en.html
20. IARU HST World Championships in Tunesia
Today will be the opening of the first Highspeed Telegraphy World Championships on the African Continent.
For any News and results look on their website:
20. IARU HST World Championships 2024
The 20th IARU World Championships in High-Speed Telegraphy will take place for the first time on the African continent from 9 to 13 October 2024. This year, the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) together with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) will take over the organisation. The event takes place in Yasmine Hammamet, a tourist center in the southeast of the Cap Bon peninsula.
The event will be conducted as follows:
9 October: Arrival day, jury meeting, opening ceremony
10 October: 1st day of competition
11 October: 2nd day of competition
12 October: Substitute day for cancelled competitions, excursion, closing ceremony
13 October: Departure day
Further information is available on the IARU Webside:
20. IARU HST Weltmeisterschaften
Die 20. IARU Weltmeisterschaften der Highspeed Telegrafie finden vom 9. bis 13. Oktober 2024 erstmals auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent statt. Die Organisation übernimmt dieses Jahr die Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) zusammen mit der International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Das Event findet in Yasmine Hammamet einem Touristenzentrum im Südosten der Halbinsel Cap Bon statt.
Der Event wird wie folgt durchgeführt:
9. Oktober: Anreisetag, Jurymeeting, Eröffnungszeremonie
10. Oktober: 1. Wettkampftag
11. Oktober: 2. Wettkampftag
12. Oktober: Ersatztag für ausgefallene Wettbewerbe, Ausflug, Schlussfeier
13. Oktober: Abreisetag
Weiterführende Infos sind erhältlich bei Z32TO oder 3V8SF (E-Mail Adressen bei QRZ.COM)
Radio Telegraphy Very Highspeed Club (VHSC)
Starting August 1st, 2024 the new secretary and treasurer of the VHSC is PG4I. Applications for membership and other correspondence can be sent to Joop. His E-mail adress can be found on https://www.qrz.com/
The Radio Telegraphy Very High Speed Club VHSC was founded on May 1st 1961 under protection of VERON and DARC and has the intention to gather radioamateurs who are able to transmit and to copy very high speed telegraphy, and doing so, to encourage CW-Traffic in general and QRQ-Traffic in particular.
The VHSC Committee consists of:
PA5V - President, PG4I - Secretary, DL5XL - President of HSC
How to join the VHSC
Be active on the bands, using telegraphy speed of 40 wpm or higher,
and show your ability to read and key this speed perfectly.
VHSC-Members may give a recommendation to you for VHSC-Membership.
Do not fish for a recommendation at the beginning of a QSO.
Just show your capability of solid copy and excellent keying at a speed
of at least 40 wpm. After about 30 minutes you may show your
interest for VHSC-Membership and ask for a recommendation
for VHSC-Membership.
A recommendation may be given after having 2-way-CW contacts
with a VHSC Member for at least 30 minutes using telegraphy speed
of 200 letters per minute or higher. (Paris-base, 40 wpm).
Solid copy should be made by the applicant, together with excellent keying. No keyboards or decoders are allowed during these contacts.
A recommendation is valid for a maximum of 3 years.
When you have recommendations of 4 different VHSC-members in
your possession, send these with your application for VHSC-Membership and an entrance-fee of Euro 10,= to the VHSC-Secretariat, PG4I.
Radio Telegraphy Highspeed Club (HSC)
The next HSC contest will take part on Novemer 3rd 2024 from 14:00 - 17:00 UTC. The rules changed can be find here: