Highspeed Telegraphy News
Cрт Новости
HST Neuigkeiten
20. IARU HST World Championships 2024
The 20th IARU World Championships in High-Speed Telegraphy will take place for the first time on the African continent from 9 to 13 October 2024. This year, the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) together with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) will take over the organisation. The event takes place in Yasmine Hammamet, a tourist center in the southeast of the Cap Bon peninsula.
The event will be conducted as follows:
9 October: Arrival day, jury meeting, opening ceremony
10 October: 1st day of competition
11 October: 2nd day of competition
12 October: Substitute day for cancelled competitions, excursion, closing ceremony
13 October: Departure day
Further information is available on the IARU Webside:
20. IARU HST Weltmeisterschaften
Die 20. IARU Weltmeisterschaften der Highspeed Telegrafie finden vom 9. bis 13. Oktober 2024 erstmals auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent statt. Die Organisation übernimmt dieses Jahr die Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) zusammen mit der International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Das Event findet in Yasmine Hammamet einem Touristenzentrum im Südosten der Halbinsel Cap Bon statt.
Der Event wird wie folgt durchgeführt:
9. Oktober: Anreisetag, Jurymeeting, Eröffnungszeremonie
10. Oktober: 1. Wettkampftag
11. Oktober: 2. Wettkampftag
12. Oktober: Ersatztag für ausgefallene Wettbewerbe, Ausflug, Schlussfeier
13. Oktober: Abreisetag
Weiterführende Infos sind erhältlich bei Z32TO oder 3V8SF (E-Mail Adressen bei QRZ.COM)
Deutscher Telegrafie Pokal 2024
Der Deutsche Telegrafie Pokal (DTP) wird im April 2024 nicht durchgeführt. Wegen Insolvenz des Tagungshotels musste das CW Wochenende kurzfristig nach Erwitte verlegt werden, wo jedoch keine Räumlichkeiten für diesen Anlass bestehen. Ein neuer Termin und Ort wird momentan gesucht. Tnx Info AGCW-DL.
The German Telegraph Cup will not be held in April 2024. Due to the insolvency of the conference hotel, the CW weekend had to be moved to Erwitte, where there are no rooms for this event. A new date and location is currently being sought.
RT3A Memorial Sprint Contest 2024
The contest is in memory of Konstantin Khachaturov, RT3A (ex: RU3AA, UW3AA, UW3HV, UA3ART), an outstanding CW operator and founder of U-QRQ-C (Russian Telegraphy Highspeed Club).
Date and time of the contest:
Every year on January 29 is the birthday of RT3A.
1. round: 40m – 19.00-19.29 UTC
2. round: 80m – 19.30-19.59 UTC
Recommended frequencies: 7010-7040 kHz and 3510-3560 kHz
Modulation Type: CW Only
All information can be found on the website of the U-QRQ-C
Radio Telegraphy Highspeed Club (HSC)
The next HSC contest will take part on February 25th 2024 from 14:00 - 17:00 UTC. The rules changed a bit, so please read them carefully. https://sites.google.com/view/hsc-contest
HB9DHG in Cameroon!
Fulvio HB9DHG just returned back home after an exciting DX-pedition to Cameroon. The international team by Mediterean DX Club used the callsign TJ9MD. They achieved the goal of more than 100`000 QSOs within 11 days of operation. Congratulations to Fulvio HB9DHG, Emil DL8JJ and the MDXC team for 32`674 CW contacts!
Morse Runner Top-list 01.11.2023
Just received a new entry from DL2OBF with 4074 points. Hein won many medals at IARU HST World Championships during the last years. Congratulations for this new personal record, which puts him into the Morse Runner TOP-List for competitors with over 4000 points!
Morse Runner Top-list of 20.10.2023.
To be listed on the Top-list you need at least 4000 points running 10 minutes at HST mode.
The results were taken from official HST championships with some personal records achieved outside of competitions. They have been sent to me with a screenshot to hb9csa@uska.ch
All results can be found within the Morse Runner section of this website. Morse Runner toplist
Congratulations to the 30 Top-list members for their excellent achievement!
1. YO8TTT 5105; 2. LZ2CWW 4843; 3. YT7AW 4808; 4. LZ4UU 4798; 5. RA4FVL 4686; 6. EW8GS 4590; 7. YO8RJV 4522; 8. HB9EYN 4515; 9. EW8NW 4488; 10. EW8NK 4485; 11. YO8TON 4423; 12. EW1-835 4361; 13. EW7-049 4296; 14. EW7-111 4253; 15. EW7SH 4248; 16. EU7KI 4247; 17. EW8HK 4238; 18. EW8JA 4166; 19. DJ1YFK 4147; 20. EW8KK 4141; 21. YO8RMW 4110; 22. RV9CKM 4107; 23. YT6W 4106; 24. W2UP 4103; 25. YO8XXX 4099; 26. EW8VK 4098; 27. EW7-022 4031; 28. EW3-046 4026; 29. EU1HAR 4026; 30. HB9DHG 4020;
Highspeed Telegraphy in Croatia
Our good friend and long time jury member at HST events Daki 9A2WJ (YU2WJ, DK3WJ) who is silent key in 2016, would be very happy to see the great activity from Croatian highspeeders at HST championships. At the HST World championships 2023 in Bulgaria we had the pleasure to see the future of radio telegraphy champions from Croatia.
Filip (9A3BCW), Stefan (9A3BQR) and Domagoj (9A7RA) participated with excellent results. Even more they were activating the special event station LZ19HST for every free minute in between the competitions.
Congratulations to a great team and hope we can meet you many more times @HST championships.
HST 2023 Team Austria
Congratulations to team Austria for a big effort in building a great team over the last 6 years. They achieved an excellent 7. place at the HST World Championships 2023 in Primorsko. If you are interested in Highspeed CW and you live in Austria, have a look at the website of the ÖVSV: https://www.oevsv.at/funkbetrieb/cw/
These were the Austrian participants of IARU Highspeed Telegraphy World Championships:
2019 OE1EBC, OE1OMA, OE1TKW, OE3VBU, OE4-01006
19th IARU HST World Championships 2023
Team World Champion 2023 - Team Belarus
Congratulations to the new and old HST World champion team Belarus. 2nd place goes to the great team from Romania. The 3rd place after a break of 28 years goes to team Hungary. Big surprise this year were the teams from Albania and Austria. They achieved very good results with big teams.
The World Records by Yulia Yakauchuk EW8JA with 293'617 points and by Ianis Scutaru YO8YNS with 306'273 points, both with a competition speed of 1000 letters per minute were highlights of the HST 2023 in Bulgaria.
New RUFZXP World record by YO8YNS !
A fantastic new World record was set by Ianis Scutaru YO8YNS on RUFZXP. With his 306`273 points and a speed of 1000 cpm, he was the first person to brake the magical 300k. Congratulations Ianis !!!
Excellent results were achieved from many participants and teams. Congratulations team Belarus who is the World Champion 2023 !
See for the results here: https://hst2023.eu/results/
New RUFZXP World record by EW8JA !
The first day of the 19. IARU HST World Championships brought fantastic results from all competitors. Over all was team Belarus and the new RUFZXP World record by EW8JA, Yulija Yakauchuk from Belarus. She broke the old World record made by LZ2CWW in 2019 with 293.617 points and a speed of 1000 cpm, Congratulations!
Yesterday was the opening of the 19th IARU Highspeed Telegraphy World Championships in Primorsko. The HST Chairman LZ1PJ and the IARU Region 1 executive committee member Z32TO heartly welcomed more than 100 competitors and visitors from 17 countries. The longest journey was from Tak JJ0THX and the team from Mongolia.
Today the competitons started within all categories. Results will be published soon here or on: https://hst2023.eu/
The event takes part in the city of Primorsko at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast from 9. to 13. September 2023.
It will be the 5th time the IARU HST World Championships will be in Bulgaria after Sofia 1997, Obzor 2009, Borovets 2013 and Albena 2019. Organizers are the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) https://www.iaru-r1.org/ and Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA) http://bfra.bg/en
All informations about this event can be found on this website and on: https://www.iaru-r1.org/2023/iaru-hst-world-championship-2023/
Russian HST Championships 2023
The national Russian radio highspeed telegraphy championships took part on 25th June 2023 in Kirow, about 800 km northeast of Moscow. Excellent results were achieved by participants from all parts of Russia within all categories of ages. The national champions 2023 are the following:
Women: Anna Sadukova, RA4FDL
Men: Evgenij Pashnin, RV9CPV
Congratulations and see you at the HST World Championships in Bulgaria!
HB9DHG YouTube channel
Fulvio Galli, HB9DHG got his own YouTube channel about HST. Please have a look and enjoy. You will find lots of videos about transmitting and receiving CW in fast speed. Also tips and skills to improve your Rufz-XP and Morserunner results. Congrats Fulvio!
IARU HST World Championships
The 19th IARU Highspeed Telegraphy World Championship will be hold from September 9. to 13. 2023 in Primorsko, Bulgaria.
Hopefully many competitors from all around the World will find their way to this wonderful place at the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast.
The event will take part at the Hotel Perla Sun Park and Spa in Primorsko. https://hotelsperla.com/perla-sun-park-spa-hotel/
More info and news can be found on the IARU-HST-Website.
Europe´s Cup of HST 2023
The 15th international HST competition Cup of Europe and the 10th Balkan HST championship took part from May 31th to June 4th 2023 in Bansko, Bulgaria. Fifteen competitors from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia and Romania participated for medals. This year no teams from Belarus and Russia could join the event. Hopefully we can meet them again soon. Congratulations to all medal-winners and participants for the good results.
Team result of the Europe´s Cup of HST 2023
1. Romania, 2. Bulgaria, 3. Czech Republic, 4. Croatia
Team result of the Balkan HST championship 2023
1. Romania, 2. Bulgaria, 3. Croatia
Olaf Battenfeld (DL1OP), president of the Radio Telegraphy Extremely Highspeed Club (EHSC) and Super Highspeed Club (SHSC) died on May 11th 2023. He was Co-founder of https://www.qrqpoint.com/ , the meeting point for highspeed telegraphy friends from Europe and an active "highspeeder" on all amateur-radio frequencies. Please wait for any applications for membership for SHSC/EHSC until a new secretary or president is published. My condolences go out to his family and friends. R.I.P.
German Telegraphy Cup cancelled
The German Telegraphy Cup planned as part of the CW weekend will be postponed to another date that has not yet been announced. This is due to the short-term closure of the conference hotel in Erbenhausen. Unfortunately (Tnx info DL1LAF).
Deutscher Telegraphie Pokal 2023
Der im Rahmen des CW Wochenendes geplante Deutsche Telegraphie Pokal wird auf einen anderen, noch nicht genannten Termin verschoben. Dies Aufgrund der kurzfristigen Schließung des Tagungshotels in Erbenhausen. Leider konnte kurzfristig kein gleichwertiger Ersatz gefunden werden. (Tnx Info DL1LAF). https://www.agcw.de/keine-mitgliederversammlung-und-kein-cw-wochenende-im-april/85286/
Offenes HST Training in Wien 25.02.23
Im Herbst 2023 findet voraussichtlich die 19. High Speed Telegraphy Championship statt. In dieser IARU-Veranstaltung messen sich die telegraphie-aktiven Nationen in 4 Bewerben. Österreich war bereits bei den ersten HSTC 1995/‘97/’99 dabei. Bis zu 5 "Competitors" haben Österreich 2017, 2019 und 2022 vertreten. Die Teilnehmer der letzten Jahre (OE1TKW, OE1EBC, OE3VBU, OE1OMA) wollen Telegraphie und High Speed Telegraphie in Österreich beleben. Und sie suchen aktiv nach Verstärkung des Teams um OE High Speed Telegraphistinnen und Telegraphisten. Darum bildete den Auftakt in die Trainingssaison 2023 ein offenes Training für alle im Klublokal des ÖVSV, LV Wien, Eisvogelgasse 4, 1060 Wien.
18. IARU World HST championship 2022
New Morse Runner World Record
by LZ2CWW with 4843 points !
The 18th IARU HST World Championship finished on 17.09.2022 in Sokobanja in Serbia. Congratulations to all participants from all over the World. Results can be find here or on the Website of DL4MM.
A tribute to Stanislav Zelenov UA3VBW
This is the radio story of Stanislav Zelenov UA3VBW, written by Vyacheslav Yudenich and published on the website of Vladimir Akminskij RW3VA http://rw3va.qrz.ru/index.html
Many thanks to Vladimir RW3VA for allowing me to translate the story into english and publish some of his photos on my website.
Stanislav Zelenov was born on June 20th 1949 in the city of Vladimir in Russia. His start into radiosports began in 1965 at local radio transmission and reception competitions in Kazan. In 1967 at the 4. Spartakiad of the USSR, the youngster he was very successful and wun the bronce medal.
For many years Stanislav has been the undisputed champion and telegraphy record holder of the USSR and received many titles, awards and trophies.
Here are some of his many titles:
- 27x World champion of highspeed radiotelegraphy;
- 17x European champion;
- 16x USSR champion;
- 16x champion of Russia;
- 30x champion of the Armed Forces;
- 19x Rocket Troops champion;
- 30x multiple winner of the international competitions "Danube Cup" and "for friendship and brotherhood";
- The first and only honored master of Sports of the USSR in highspeed radiotelegraphy;
- Holder of the medal "For Labor Distinction" and the badge of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Sports Valor";
- 19 personalized awards from the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and Russia;
- A large number of certificates of honor of the state sports committee and the Russian Olympic committee.
- As a coach, he brought the Russian youth team to the first place in the USSR Championship and prepared three world champions.
His mother Elena Pavlovna-(Zelenova), an factory-employee raised her son alone. At the age of fifteen years, the student of Vladimir school number 6 became an orphan. After school, he began to study radio engineering and continued to improve his knowledge during the military service in the Central Communications Center of the Missile Forces. Because he was not invited to stay at the Center at the end of his service, he returned to Vladimir-City. There he started working at the army sports club and the sports faculty of the Vladimir Pedagogical Institute. After the many political changes in the 1990s, a difficult time began for Stanislav. All that he achieved suddenly didn't matter much anymore, he faced many problems and got very sick. Unfortunately, even his long-time friends don't know where he is at the moment. Stanislav was allways member of the radio clubs UK3VAA, UA3KSM and RK3VWA. I, who got to know him as a warm, helpful person, hope that he lives somewhere in a good place and can enjoy his life.
World champion Alla Vakhova in action!
A small video of highspeed telegraphy world champion Alla Vakhova (RX4AK) at the opening of the collective radio station RZ4AYN in Volgograd on November 30. 2016.
Небольшой видеоролик чемпионки мира по скоростному телеграфу Аллы Ваховой RX4AK на открытии коллективной радиостанции RZ4AYN в Волгограде 30.11.2016.
The IARU highspeed telegraphy working group (26.07.2021)
The IARU HST working group is an advisory body within Region 1, with the aim to promote highspeed telegraphy.
The HST working group is an advisory body within the regional IARU structure, each national society within Region 1 can appoint its representative. He or she can act in full power only if the society completely fulfill the financial obligation to Region 1.
- Aims and activities are:
- exchange information related to HST
- develop HST materials and answer question from other IARU bodies
- provide HST advice and help to Region 1 member societies
- submit HST advises, proposals and recommendations to the Executive Committee
- participate in the organization of IARU HST events
- undertake HST activities on behalf of IARU Region 1
- prepare HST rules
- to give recommendation to the EC and GC for final approve of the rules
to approve changes in the “APPENDIX” of the rules between the conferences and EC meetings
HST working group assists the IARU member societies in HST activities, organize IARU HST international events and championships, support competition and technical improvements in HST, prepares bulletins and educational material.
HST working group cooperates with the similar bodies in IARU region 2 and region 3.
Here are the national representatives:
- Alabania ZA1D
- Belarus EU1HAO
- Bulgaria LZ1PJ
- Czech Rep. OK2BFN
- Germany DL4UNY
- Hungary HA3NU
- Italy IK2UIQ
- Kazakhstan UN7ZA
- Macedonia Z32M
- Mongolia JT1CP
- Montenegro 4O4W
- Poland SP8BVN
- Romania YO8WW
- Russia RN1AF
- Serbia YU1EA
- Slovenia S57WJ
- Switzerland HB9CSA
Mount Mc Elroy
A mountain named after a telegraphy world champion!
Arctic Conquest Mount McElroy is a mountain at the west end of the Hutton Mountains, in southeastern Palmer Land, Antarctica. It was discovered and named by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition in 1947/48 led by Finn Ronne. The details of the expedition were published by Putnam’s Sons publishing house of New York in 1949. Ronne named the mountain for Theodore Roosevelt McElroy, who contributed the communication instruments for the expedition. "Ted" McElroy (1901 - 1963), was the World Champion Radio Telegrapher in the 1920´s and was recognized in the Guiness Book of World Record with the "Morse Highspeed Telegraphy World Record" in 1939.
Гора Мак-Элрой, Гора названа в честь чемпиона мира по телеграфии!
Арктическое завоевание Гора МакЭлрой - гора в западном конце гор Хаттон, на юго-востоке Земли Палмера в Антарктиде. Он был обнаружен и назван Антарктической исследовательской экспедицией Ронне в 1947/48 году под руководством Финна Ронне. Подробности экспедиции были опубликованы нью-йоркским издательством Putnam’s Sons в 1949 году. Ронн назвал гору в честь Теодора Рузвельта Макэлроя, который предоставил средства связи для экспедиции. «Тед» Мак Элрой, живший с 1901 по 1963 год, был чемпионом мира по радиотелеграфу в 1921 году и был внесен в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса с «Мировым рекордом телеграфии Морзе в 1939 году».
Mount McElroy, ein Berg benannt nach einem Weltmeister der Morsetelegrafie!
Arctic Conquest Mount McElroy ist ein Berg am westlichen Ende der Hutton Mountains im südöstlichen Palmer Land in der Antarktis. Er wurde 1947 von der Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition unter der Leitung von Finn Ronne entdeckt und benannt. Die Details der Expedition wurden 1949 im New Yorker Verlag Putnam's und Söhne veröffentlicht. Ronne benannte den Berg nach Theodore Roosevelt McElroy, der Funkgeräte für die Expedition beisteuerte. "Ted" Mc Elroy (1901 - 1963) war in den 1920er Jahren Weltmeister im Hochgeschwindigkeitsmorsen und wurde 1939 als schnellster Morsetelegrafist ins Guiness Buch der Rekorde aufgenommen.
Russian HST Championship Rules
The rules of the Russian championship in highspeed radiotelegraphy (HST) are published on the website of SRR, the Russian amateur radio society.
Регламент первенства России по СРТ
Публикуется Регламент первенства России по радиоспорту (скоростная радиотелеграфия). Срок проведения — 24-27 октября 2020.
CW Morse training with SOTA chaser callsigns
Want to improve your CW skills?
To simulate the conditions in a SOTA pile-up, HB9DQM wrote a nice script that picks callsigns from the 2019 SOTA* activators honour roll at random, choosing them in relation to their “Activators Worked” ranking. The idea is to hear frequent chasers more often while practicing, as in a real pile-up. It is a good idea and change to the commen used "highspeed"-software like Rufz-XP or Morse runner. Note that you need a modern browser (HTML5) for the audio player to work.
*SOTA means "Summits On The Air" and is an award programm which supports amateur radio activity from mountains. https://www.sota.org.uk/
Many thanks to Manuel Kasper HB9DQM for his good work.
Friends and participants of HST
New highspeed telegraphy website by DJ1YFK
This website was established in March 2020 to serve as a hub to concentrate QRQ activities on 3567 kHz. It's meant to encourage everyone to join us on 3567 kHz and practice highspeed telegraphy. Offer a simple way to communicate with other users via a shout box. Provide links and further information about high speed telegraphy.